Edinburgh - Castle Rock from Blackford Hill
Thomas Hawk:
Found Photo
Thomas Hawk:
R/B Furniture
Thomas Hawk:
Found Anscochrome Slide
Sandro Bisaro:
Thomas Hawk:
An Imitation From New York
Thomas Hawk:
Found Kodachrome Slide -- The Sirkka Sopanen Collection
Harold Davis:
Pussy Willows and Friends
hugo poon - one day in my life:
"taking off... Happy Chinese New Year!"
jurek d. (Jerzy Durczak):
October puddles
G Dan Mitchell:
Interior, Sebalduskirche, Nürnberg
G Dan Mitchell:
Water Plants, Fog
Aimless Alliterations:
Wartime Lookout
Thomas Hawk:
American Woman
Thomas Hawk:
Found Slide -- The Sirkka Sopanen Collection
Thomas Hawk:
The Sky Was the Limit
Harold Davis:
Harold Davis Wall Mural
Thomas Hawk:
It's Like the World Stopped Turning
Thomas Hawk:
St. John's Bridge, Portland, Oregon
Thomas Hawk:
Desert Hills
G Dan Mitchell:
Interior, St. Lorenz Church
Man_of Steel:
A Lovely location in which to live
Thomas Hawk:
Between a Want and a Need To
G Dan Mitchell:
Islands, Clearing Fog
Harold Davis:
Lilies in a Vase
Thomas Hawk:
Found Ektachrome Slide -- The Gordon Holler Collection
Aimless Alliterations:
Contrasts (Explored)
Harold Davis:
Yearning (Vase with Tulips)
G Dan Mitchell:
Shades of Blue