[ raymond ]: New Year's Day Sunset
verplanck: Jerry - NYC
trawson58: Dolly
trawson58: Dolly
AMRosario: Coney Island Avenue
Nance Fleming: Sidewalk psychic.
joe holmes: The Road
Jim Skea: Aurea Proença
tamaki: sunset
joe holmes: Announcing the 2018 Annual
digicolleen: Scarecrow Clubhouse
Nad: Creepy red sun
Nance Fleming: Whiskered.
In Memoriam: me'nthedogs: West From St Audrie's
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Senior cattledog Peanut and I are dodging raindrops this afternoon!
ra1000: 20160110 - Langley BC - Sunset In the Trees Behind Larry's House
LeventMagic: #thetiredtraveler next to #theoldguitarist at #bwiairport #picasso #picassoiseverywhere #artinstituteofchicago
Ranabass: CMY_5042 compressed for email 150501
O Caritas: Wallflowers
_smith_: NYC - October, 2015
Nance Fleming: downtown mirrors
Claire Sutton: Mid-walk biscuit, please.
addadada: paris flickr pal ingrid and mom
Honeyisland: Raízes
Nance Fleming: Did someone say "wolf"?
Doggy Lama Pet Care: Kasper and Ellie Mae enjoy a cool walk on the Bridgeview Trail.