Steve_Waddingham: Brent Geese
James Q Chang: Koi 锦鲤
Joaquin Beltran Albiach: 18-12-22-A75I5504
yvescourt123: Mésange à tête noire !
JMS2: Gull
patrickmarshall2959: DSC_0593 Bald Eagle 20 Alaska 2018_crrsh
Kingy2013: Fieldfare....,.
I. Alberdi Ezpeleta: ansar común Red-throated Diver (Gavia stellata)
Umlilo1979: Levaillants koekoek - Levaillant's cuckoo (Clamator levaillantii), Footsteps Ecolodge, The Gambia
Andrew Bradford Images: Razorbill (Alca torda) - Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire.
theviewfinder: Copper smith Barbet
shaunmcdonagh: Sparrowhawk
mansod: Male juvenile goshawk. Wild bird.
jangurney: P1200072 Welcome swallow at the lake.
timjhopwood: 'Flying Start'
GlensLens!: Snails Pace...
Abhijit Joshi: Crow feeding Asian Koel
bikashdas: Blue Capped Rock Thrush (Monticola cinclorhynchus)
S k i n k: 方格雲斑蛛 (2011.02.05)
lilian.lemonnier: Bergeronnette printanière
33RW: Killdeer and Chicks
Abhijeet P: Asian Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi) शाही बुलबुल
sandrino: Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) with Pig Frog