Jackie Wood: IMG_6382
PaceSmith: Day 14: Light
nwaloha: gratitude
MirandaLeeanda: Mentally drained. Headache. Fading concussion. Day 13
StefanieRenee: Right here right now. A scene from an afternoon of reading in our tent. #familyroadtrip2013
Gopi Vreni: 10 byob inner critcs/gremie talk
PaceSmith: Day 8
MirandaLeeanda: Me and my space in the mirror. Day 11
AlongtheWay27: Be your own beloved: fun with mirrors
nert811: Good morning mirror!
nomadic patty: Illumination (so enamored with these constantly changing skies...)
shamanaflora: Shadow with olive tree
elise.cinq: 20130808_193557-1
loransheart: Eyes closed
nwaloha: Day 8 Loving Eyes
donnawynn: Gallery 16 / Childhood Games
katrinahanson: Be Your Own Beloved - looking myself in the eyes with love.
Vivienne McMaster: Savouring this gorgeous summer sun. Todays photo for #beyourownbeloved
shamanaflora: The eyes of love. This was the one I actually wanted to use.
asacredlifetolive: LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
asacredlifetolive: The Sacredness of Play!
EmilySaidi: byob8
juicychristians: looking myself in the eye
Gopi Vreni: 8 byob looking ourselves in the eyes with love
aarathiselvan: Loving the moment
aarathiselvan: Look at self through Eyes of love
MirandaLeeanda: Sending love. Day 8
katrinahanson: Be Your Own Beloved - 7 (savouring the moment)