shamanaflora: Good morning. Thank you.
shamanaflora: Lemon basil flowers #botanica #plantmedicine #plantwhisperer #herbs #herbalist #plantgeek
shamanaflora: Holy shit holy shit holy shit! I missed it!!! She's sooooo beautiful!!!!!!! Magic magic magic!!! #watchingnature #butterflies
shamanaflora: "Your sacred space is where you go to find yourself over and over again. " Joseph Campbell #sacredearthmedicineretreat #shamanaflora #earthmedicine #soulwarrior
shamanaflora: Soft. A place to lay down your prayers. Gratitude to she who hears all things and transforms all things. Pachamama- great Earth mother- Mother of alchemy and transmutation. #plantwhisperer #plantalchemy #earthmedicine #earthhealer #honoringthespiritinall
shamanaflora: Homeland. #beingnativetowhereyouare
shamanaflora: Plant animal stone and bone- ancient wisdom of the earth speaks to us through our senses and open hearted awareness. Grateful to share this medicine with my apprentices this year... Blessing them on their journey forward. Magic is all around us. #shamanaf
shamanaflora: All experiences are stepping stones on the path of our fullest becoming. #soulwarrior #rawsacredjourney ---- Last chance to catch my sexy feet for today! #sexyfeet #tenderfeetstrongfeet #shamanaflora
shamanaflora: The space it takes find forgiveness.... Feet know the way. You were an angel in my moment of need. #forstrongwomen #forgivenesstakesupalotofspace #makingspace #rawsacredjourney #startingmoments #shamanaflora
shamanaflora: Autumn journey #shamanaflora #watchingnature #sacrednature
shamanaflora: Still time to join the free photo journey to deepen your connection with plants!
shamanaflora: Rainy days require soup- I have been craving tomato soup since @mindfulmindy mentioned it. Here's roasted tomato basil bisque. #sacrednourishment #howtoshowupforlife #soupisrequired #communitygrace
shamanaflora: Sometime I feel as if life is trying to make me bitter. Days like today I kind of choke - but I will fight tooth and claw not to become bitter. Not to succumb to that gaping maw of the pain that is carried. Damn it I will dance it out of me. #trueheartsdi
shamanaflora: This place fills me... #earthmedicine #ancestraltime #autumngoldisformyheart
shamanaflora: #howtoshowupforlife #skysigns #earthmedicine #nevergiveuphope
shamanaflora: A gift to the Earth never goes unnoticed. Medicine is in everything and every place we go. Offer up your heart and the plants and the land will hold you. #howtoshowupforlife #sacredeverywhere #makingmagicmoments #earthmedicine #healingmyheart #hearthtend
shamanaflora: Join me... 40 days, prompts for daily connection and communion with plants, photo sharing and community of plant whisperers #plantalc
shamanaflora: #seeyourlifebeautiful day 13 #flowers the tinest chile flower - chiltepin thru a 10x loupe and iPhone .
shamanaflora: Sundog rainbow #nature #miracles
shamanaflora: A beautiful moment in the garden- squatting down to get close to the plants. Warm sun. Doves. Cicadas. Earthed. Alive. #SYLB #seeyourlifebeautiful #treasurehunt #perspective #findingthelight #self
shamanaflora: Sweet day with my girl ... Lazin on a rock, sharing story, sharing heart.
shamanaflora: Boy parts- walnut #shamanaflora #arizona #plants #plantmedicine
shamanaflora: Claret cup cactus #shamanaflora #arizona #tucson
shamanaflora: #sexyflowers
shamanaflora: Gorgeous morning haul-smells like angel wings. #nofilter #sexyflowers #arizona #herbalmedicine #flowers
shamanaflora: More wild urban harvest breakfast- elderberries!? #shamanaflora #herbalmedicine #tucson
shamanaflora: Breakfast harvest- Palo verde "peas" and desert willow perfume blossom nectar. #sexy #shamanaflora #arizona #tucson #herbalmedicine
shamanaflora: Ohhhhh la la #sexy #flowers #garden #arizona #shamanaflora #herbalmedicine