gavin lux: DSC01981
Lars_Holte: Pentax 67II: Indsejlingen til Rungsted Havn
AST Chen: Desolate Coffee
AST Chen: Tamp Temper
AST Chen: First day in Vancouver
AST Chen: 28I03801
AST Chen: 竹坑南寮
AST Chen: 竹坑南寮
AST Chen: 沙鹿休閒景觀步道
AST Chen: 台中都會公園
AST Chen: 台中都會公園
AST Chen: 松柏港北堤沙灘
KMrT(1800mlph): Narrow alley
komehachi888: morning glow
komehachi888: no parking
komehachi888: travelled long and far
komehachi888: rainy season has ended
komehachi888: enthusiasm
kirstiecat: You Shouldn't Need to Depend on a Corporation to Save Your Life.
philou44470: Décembre sur la Loire
taxref (Remodeling): Wading 8-19-14