andreaskerner: Dreisessel - Bayrischer Wald Germany
marivigb: Alegría d colores!!!!!
BAN - photography: Surfing Burleigh #441
Jose Matutina: Desolation
Cor Slee: Nectar !!!
abelgarza007: Butterfly
Karel Warburg: Koppelpoort, Amersfoort (year build: 1450)
Luigi Alesi: Dolomiti - Val di Funes - St. Jakob
moemaphoto: top down
Massimo Greco *: Pettirosso (Erithacus rubecola)
maxlancio: Caixa Forum Madrid
keinidyll: Puddle bokeh . . .
Bastiank80: Across The Land
jaro-es: IMG_0808 Autumn cleaning (Street Shot)
andreaskerner: two sunshine
andreaskerner: Blick vom Dreisessel
andreaskerner: Dreisessel
Sauro Bellezza: IMG_6391-1-2
Bastiank80: Giant Neighbors
BerColly: Le brame [Cantal]
SkyeWeasel: Mushroom on a Stick
arvind agrawal: Feeding time - IMG_1053-1
Emir Sickman: glass and water
Al_Ram: Moon Queen