White_Dragon_09: Sightseeing tour in night
White_Dragon_09: A view of Nagasaki bay
toy5233: DSC_8961
Sam The PhotoMan: Leica hektor 28mm f6.3 Fuji xpro1
紅襪熊(・ᴥ・): 白鬚神社
Arutemu: Afternoon light in Cheonan
bernard.ottevaere1: kaleidoscope
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 南投 橫山
May-margy: F_47A1532-BW-Canon 5DIII-Canon 70-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
May-margy: F-3S0A5435-2021-12-26-Canon EOS R5-Canon EF RF Mount Adapter-Canon EF 70-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
May-margy: F-3S0A6146-2022-01-08-Canon EOS R5-Canon EF RF Mount Adapter-Canon 70-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
stephen-yang: 07杉林溪-20211216-Leica SL+Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F0.95 ASPH-0977
stephen-yang: 07杉林溪-20211216-Leica SL+Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F0.95 ASPH-0976
stephen-yang: 07杉林溪-20211216-Leica SL+Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F0.95 ASPH-0955
stephen-yang: 07杉林溪-20211216-Leica SL+Leica Noctilux-M 50mm F0.95 ASPH-0967
sohjames28: Old Montreal
JaS Photoland: A7riii-_dsc0616-Leitz Summaron 3.5cm F3.5
いつか どこかで: Leica Ⅱf / Leitz  Summaron  3.5cm  F3.5 / FUJIFILM  Velvia50
sohjames28: Beauty lady in Montreal ( 2-2 )
french.lenses: Som Berthiot / Sopelem Monital 50mm f/0.95 TEST
Alan-Chan: 鳴。Ding .
ktf_design: Carl Zeiss Ernemann Ernostar 5cm f1.9 01
enrico cinti: Nature
WoChen: Linhof-Color_2021-11-11-003-LrPsFp-2
rogvon: Termites living right next to the nuclear power station, find it hard to keep a low profile during feeding time.
gseloff: Delta