2812 photography: Myron Tone's "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" Bio
magicflute002: Autumn Colors in Tokyo
JimP (in Sarnia): India - A Quiet Bath On The Ganges
Joao Eduardo Figueiredo: Aarti - Varanasi - India
Satyaki Basu: Bengali Bride
Stephen B Jessop: I needed that
Franz *: Noisy Miners . Is it repairable?
Hilane Giliberto R.: Amarillo, Hypericum Patulum
Tati@: Famiglia allargata
streetcorner: Bandung (Indonesia) - Street Child Carrying Cobek
Foto Dominic (OFF): golden morning
Hope For Paws Animal Rescue: Ready or not, here I come!!! (I took this picture in Valejo, California) + viral video link below
maurice windley: will jump working 027
Kole Seoane: Thank you, Newton!
ikonoblast: IMG_2319d (the night has a thousand eyes)
Oscar Tarneberg: Baby snow monkeys
Lamby1959: Baby meerkat
Javier Martinez de la Ossa: Buitres de Monfragüe
aongkung: "Size does matter"
Photograph'Art: Halfa (7 semaines)
Luuk de Vries: Nijhuizum
Sami ur Rahman: Heading Home
davem45(Fibre at last): old set (3 of 97).jpg
ngchongkin: Oh ! How glad to see you--Inle Lake , Myanmar
Michel Coutty: DSC_0367 Cable beach, Broome - Australia
Ursel Graumann ON / OFF: Brown Eyes, Red Lips, Hot Legs
esalinax: Ascensor en la media luna,zooming