Alan Cressler: Heuchera parviflora, Cave Spring Rockhouse, Fiery Gizzard Cove, Grundy Forest State Natural Area, Grundy County, Tennessee 3
Chris Davidson Photography: Waterfalls-0218-j
John Petranka: Slaty Skimmer Teneral Male
Chris Davidson Photography: LeastTern-6598-j
jimf_29605: Platanthera conspicua (Southern White Fringed orchid)
jimf_29605: Malaxis spicata (Florida Adder's-mouth orchid)
jimf_29605: Platanthera cristata (Crested Fringed orchid)
Will Stuart: Liatris Meadow - Doughton Park
Chris Davidson Photography: GoldenWinged-7857-j
Lee Casebere: Purple Fringeless-orchid -- Platanthera peramoena
Lee Casebere: Crested Coral-root -- Hexalectris spicata
jimf_29605: Triphora trianthophora (Three-birds orchid) forma albifloraa
Chris Davidson Photography: Harvester-DSC7469-j
jimf_29605: Platanthera praeclara (Western Prairie Fringed orchid)
Pete Withers: The Peacock Butterfly (Inachis io)
Glenn Bartley - Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica)
jimf_29605: Amerorchis rotundifolia forma lineata (Round-leaf orchid)
jimf_29605: Churchill, Manitoba Sunset from CNSC observation bubble
Brad James ~ Nature Photography: A Pre-Shorebird Warmup...
Pete Withers: The Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea)
Pete Withers: The Dark Green Fritillary (Argynnis aglaja)
Glenn Bartley - Red-tailed Comet (Sappho sparganura)
Alan Cressler: Platanthera ciliaris, Lookout Mountain, Walker County, Georgia 2 Pied Avocet - IMG_0111 Little Stint - Calidris minuta
Gitart: Black Skimmer real close...DSC5539
John Petranka: Umbrella Leaf (Diphylleia cymosa) in dappled light GSMNP, NC
Blue Bullfrog: cold titmouse