Husbands That Cook: chocolate and peanut butter make the world go 'round
Husbands That Cook: first you blend peanuts and oreo cookies
Husbands That Cook: crispy crunchy chocolatey crust
Husbands That Cook: clouds of delicious peanut butter cheesecake
Husbands That Cook: chopping the chocolate first helps it melt quicker
Husbands That Cook: chocolate + peanut butter cream = irresistible ganache
Husbands That Cook: cool before spreading
Husbands That Cook: once the ganache is thick and spreadable like frosting, it's ready
Husbands That Cook: sprinkling a bit of crunch on this creamy cake
Husbands That Cook: you can never have too much chocolate and peanut butter
Husbands That Cook: peanut butter cheesecake
Husbands That Cook: who wants the first slice?
Husbands That Cook: is it cake o'clock yet?