Husbands That Cook: you might have all these ingredients already
Husbands That Cook: flouring the tins so the cakes don't stick
Husbands That Cook: chopping the chocolate first helps it melt faster
Husbands That Cook: melting butter, chocolate, and coffee together
Husbands That Cook: separating one of the eggs
Husbands That Cook: just a spoonful of sugar
Husbands That Cook: adding melted chocolate to the whipped eggs
Husbands That Cook: use a measuring cup to make pouring easier
Husbands That Cook: chocolate mocha lava cakes
Husbands That Cook: warm, rich, and decadent
Husbands That Cook: pouring the first cocktail into a frosty glass
Husbands That Cook: Amore Mio cocktail from Bit By A Fox
Husbands That Cook: The Fabergé cocktail from Bit By A Fox