B℮n: Church of the Annunciation seen from Las Setas
B℮n: Inside Marina Bay Sands
awynterphotos: Thanksgiving 2018 in Thunder Bay/Shuniah, ON
awynterphotos: Thanksgiving 2018 in Thunder Bay/Shuniah, ON
awynterphotos: Downtown Kitchener
awynterphotos: Thanksgiving 2018 in Thunder Bay/Shuniah, ON
awynterphotos: Downtown Kitchener
awynterphotos: Thanksgiving 2018 in Thunder Bay/Shuniah, ON
sirio174 (anche su Lomography): Pesci... fuor d'acqua!
louis de champs: Glace Ortiz
Toffee Maky: Kitsch
CristiánRomero: Francoise
Sven Neumann 87: Film # 457 - 17