Jasrmcf: Dark purple
Dave Hoefler: The Woods
snowyturner: Land's End sunset
karthik Nature photography: Balancing Art...
AlisterBC: Mr. Walton
Cole Chase Photography: Autumn at the water's edge
Jasrmcf: Pentax k-s1 50mm
udithawickramanayaka: Dunhinda falls
// chrocoflo: The spike
// chrocoflo: Berlin @night
Tammy Schild: Into the light
Susan Newgewirtz: Seize The Day every moment is an opportunity
Giuseppe Milo (www.gmilo.com): The dog - Dublin, Ireland - Color street photography
David Bembic: Jupiter 8 Christmas tree
thiagoyk: LadyBug5
Joaco_Almona: R.I.P Septyzemia
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
SWL Foto: Cuernos del Paine
DanielKHC: The Veins Of Dubai #8