Peggy Collins: Baby Sandhill Crane
rfcoyne: Frigate birds in flight
Michel G-A: Colaptes punctigula
brodmann's 17: going to the sun road
TamworthAndy: Motmot (Eumomota superciliosa)
Ed Schneider: Burrowing Owl
Ed Schneider: Elf Owl
FreeSpirit5: A Lucky Moment
Meddaugh Photography: Least Bittern
jimmyedmonds: Superb Starling 3
daveinhst: Touchdown
howardignatius: The concourse at Communipaw Terminal (CRRNJ), Jersey City, NJ
fvaldes: Puerta de Calatañazor
spiderhunters: Western Bluebird portrait
siddharth123: RSCN8926
daveinhst: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Edward Mistarka: Move Over!
Edward Mistarka: American Bald Eagle catching fish 1573
palmchat: juvenile Crested Owl (Lophostrix cristata), Allpahuayo- Mishana Reserve, Peru
brodmann's 17: desert lover
siddharth123: Perifery of gold!!
Edward Mistarka: male and female cardinal in flight 5321
CritterQueen: Waiting for Spring
Tobias Hayashi Photography: Varied Tit, Meiji Jingu Shrine, 19.2.10b
polandeze: mandarin
Edward Mistarka: Red-belly woodpecker jabbing cardinal 4935 Varied Bunting (Passerina versicolor)
Mr & Mrs Apteryx australis: Orange-breasted Bunting Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina)
WildImages: Crested Caracara mated pair 0R7E0975