archidave: Edward Colston's memorial
Lostash: Yorkshire Winter 5
stagedoor: Portcullis House 9753
just.Luc: Hercules and Cacus # 4
just.Luc: Jean-Marie # 12
stagedoor: Market Place 9951
Phil McIver: A female sparrowhawk
Dubris: Wrest Park - the Pavilion
Roderick Smith: St Botolph's Church
MikeJDavis: Zeep in the dark
tina negus: Jolly exhibitionist
babpuss: before sunrise
archidave: Medieval bosses, St Thomas' church, Bristol
Roderick Smith: Long Row, Nottingham
kev747: Snowdrops, Abbey Park
Foto John: Riding The Surf
photo fiddler: Functional Modular Sculpture
Emmedimakoto: Where our hands hurt from healing We can laugh without reason Cause the sun isn't only sinking fast ☀️
photo fiddler: Site of a Pheasant Landing
Phil McIver: Sheffield Cathedral
Quite Adept: Chinese Bridge
Julian Barker: Mam Tor Fence
fluffydragon: Seattle
stagedoor: Spilsby Theatre 7271
Malc H: Flying High
Dubris: Wrest Park - plasterwork medallion in the dining room
Perseus1: Godwit