Rich Byham: Wallabies
BDC Photography: F100-1 K100 24-120 005e
Bea Croes: Atardecer.
niloc's pic's: Walking the dog into the Sunset
niloc's pic's: Dog's-tooth Violet
Tünay Kasımoğlu: İstanbul-Turkey
Tünay Kasımoğlu: Büyükada İskelesi-İstanbul
Tünay Kasımoğlu: İstanbul Street Photo
ted762563: Jianqing Trail 見晴步道
ted762563: ARWIN Therapy Garden 雅聞湖濱療癒森林
ted762563: Dorcus kyanrauensis 深山扁鍬形蟲
tolle13: Walking the dog
Anto Camacho: Mordor
Lacerta Bilineata: Peace... (for the story behind the photo and the color version, see info text)
blavandmaster: Frozen Fog (Explore)
Pig Pang: selfmade camera 612
Fin Wright: #14 Smoke and Mirrors, Blakemere, 11/01/25
oaugeraud: Le pêcheur de couleurs
travelling_slonik: The "golden hour" gives the landscape a warm glow
Dark-Dave: A Stroll down south beach, Tenby DSC_8817
ted762563: Jiuliao River 九寮溪
surf-shot: surf-shot-23-December-2024--_08A0948-d
Christiane Z: Un peu d'air frais après la fête (:o)) *** Some fresh air after the party (:o))
caterinaagostinis: Le canal du Midi
blavandmaster: Colourful Winter
Vasyl Rybalkin: Silhouettes in the mist
surf-shot: surf-shot-13-January-2024---_Pano-y