Kevin Chiou11: the backside of the photographer
Kevin Chiou11: Silence
Kevin Chiou11: The sunrise of 花蓮七星潭
Kevin Chiou11: 台東沿岸海稻米
Jill-Wang: 天空之城
manposanpo: Bad weather... great mood
Andrey Sulitskiy: Terrific sky over Grand Teton seen from Signal Mountain, Wyoming, USA
Liz_photo: Sweet Melody of Fall🍁
Lavender0302: 石門拱橋
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 埔里 虎頭山
mawingchung,,,: DSC_1899
nans0410(busy): 深秋秋幾許(DSC_5375)
Chin,Chih-Yung: _MG_4571
yiming1218: 新宿ゴジラ / Shinjuku Godzilla
mikleyu: 孔雀蛺蝶
Morris Chang Photography: Hehuan Mountain, Taiwan
想回家的貓: IMG_0576
shinox Chen: 布達佩斯
HawaiiBlue: Calf Creek Falls
Raymond.Ling.43: 大涌谷
lfeng1014: Champagne Pool at Wai-O-Tapu NZ
阿Len: 紅葉迴廊 Kawaguchiko, Japan
prince470701: 夢幻 十和田湖 - Lake of Towada - Aomori Prefecture, Japan
prince470701: 夢幻 十和田湖 - Lake of Towada - Aomori Prefecture, Japan
Vincent_Ting: Autumn 秋楓