Wim van de Meerendonk, back home!: Grashopper caught a kestrel
Manuel Barroso: Bycanistes bucinator — Calau-Trombeteiro
Xtian du Gard: Spectacle Equestre 3 - 19
ksblack99: Downy Woodpecker Just Hanging Around
Bob Gunderson: Second Place Finish - Hooded Merganser Race Across Lake
anacm.silva: New-holland honeyeater
DoctoredbyNancy: A twinkle in his eye
N.Clark: Pine Sisken (Carduelis pinus)
keefhwebdesigns: where in the world 1037, that crane from 1036, close up
Michael Kammler-Thanks for fav, views & comments: 24457.erster Kormoran vor'm Winter
jeffcoleman372: Curlew in flight
Karen Miller Photography: Red Deer in the Snow
PMillera4: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Adam Swaine: Robin on Woodland Lichen London
Johan Buts: Proud.
ksblack99: Viceroy Butterfly
Jambo Jambo: Alba rosa - Pink down
!nottellin!: Canada Warbler
clic.clac75: young brothers
vasura.jayaweera: Stellar Jay
Dmitrij Andreev: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
sdawesy1: Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Mobile Lynn: Bee-Eater and catch 903_2385.jpg
Pana53 the photographer: Haubentaucher (Podiceps cristatus) - Habitat wird verteidigt (5)
Gert-Paassen: _DSC6580 Oranjetipje / Orange tip
suziebradbury: _M9A4143 copy
Markus Preiser: Gartenbaumläufer (juv.) // Short-toed Tree-Creeper (juv.)
Roberto G.R.: Papamoscas Cerrojillo
JLS@Photos: Great Spotted Woodpecker (male), Pic épeiche