anagggggg: sawako
trexfiles23: Four of Clubs
State Archives of North Carolina: BMC Research Box 88 David Tudor-Piano
matthewgkay: Maker Faire NC 2010
Inlets: On a couch
michaelz1: Matt's rig
Smithsonian Institution: Irène Joliot-Curie (1897-1956), c. 1935
k.steudel: Trail?
Always Tokyo: Ben_at_Flushnik_03
Corsica_S: oo-ray01
Always Tokyo: farewell to stain 03
Always Tokyo: farewell to stain 04
Always Tokyo: Poetry Panhandle 01
John Kannenberg: Collections of Colonies of Bees - Cactus Club, Milwaukee, May 23, 2009
John Kannenberg: Collections of Colonies of Bees - Cactus Club, Milwaukee, May 23, 2009
John Kannenberg: Collections of Colonies of Bees - Cactus Club, Milwaukee, May 23, 2009
Always Tokyo: DSC_0024(ph)
Always Tokyo: DSC_0042
Always Tokyo: DSC_0072
Always Tokyo: DSC_0007
Always Tokyo: DSC_0074
hilaryklein: refuge/refuse
hilaryklein: grain vendor
hilaryklein: hangul tag
Kyle McDonald: Theremug
hilaryklein: boxelder bugs on outhouse
carolynbee: ovens in siwa