mandokid1: Black legged tick female Hypostome. 475 shots @ x40.
mandokid1: Caffeine + Acetaminophen melt. Wakes you up and takes care of your headache!
mandokid1: Oxalic acid.
mandokid1: Resorcinol + Urea melt.
mandokid1: Urea + Resorcinol melt.
mandokid1: ABE ( callus remover ) solution gently heated.
mandokid1: B Alanine + L Glutamine water/alcohol solution.
mandokid1: ABE pure solution.
mandokid1: Hover fly 125 shots @ 5x.
mandokid1: Ascorbic acid. water solution.
mandokid1: B Alanine water/alcohol solution.
mandokid1: Erythritol melt. polarized light + retarder plate.
quenoteam: mosquita [Explore 2018-10-05 #4]
quenoteam: Mosca de la fruta 2022 (Ceratitis capitata )
terrie.salonjardin: Up close and personal….
thengoctran19: Portrait a jumping spider
gsquare3: ME_DSF0518
quenoteam: Ojo de tábano. Detalle a 35x
Javier Torrent: Nuevo sistema de apilado APS-C/ New APS-C set up
gsquare3: FoggyMoonriseTree02 copy
Yan L Photography: Calla Lily Sunset
quenoteam: Apriona rixator
Eric Gofreed: Greater roadrunner
dgarridosan: Lavender fields in bloom in the surroundings of Brihuega, Guadalajara, Spain
JL2.8: Day 1324 | Dear
gsquare3: DBL04-1 copy
Hai Hiu: Jumping spider