Dale Ayres: Stonechat ( Saxicola rubicola ) Female
Birdsforever.in: Oriental Pratincole
susie2778: Tree hugger!
RJSchutDigitaal: Rouwmantel - Mourning cloak - Nymphalis antiopa
Stickyemu: Classic countryside
Dale Ayres: Wigon ( Anas peneloe )
devzmail: _MG_058
Dale Ayres: Wren ( Troglodytes troglodytes )
devzmail: _MG_056
RJSchutDigitaal: IJsvogel - Common Kingfisher - Eisvogel - Alcedo atthis
Birdsforever.in: Greater Painted Snipe
Birdsforever.in: Fulvous Whistling Duck
Birdsforever.in: Blue Eared Kingfisher
Sento74: Mochuelo europeo
Birdsforever.in: Pallid Harrier
Glatz Nature Photography: A Blanket of Frost
Birdsforever.in: Eurasian Marsh Harrier
Sankha Hota: Eared Grebe
Birdsforever.in: Montagu's Harrier
terrylaws526: Luzon Scops Owl
susie2778: Looking forward to visiting these clowns of the sea again in June!
Dale Ayres: Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis ) Female
Birdsforever.in: Pied Avocet
Dale Ayres: Goldfinch ( Carduelis carduelis )
Birdsforever.in: Pallid Harrier
Birdsforever.in: White eyed Buzzard
terrylaws526: Whooper Swan
Birdsforever.in: Greater Hoopoe Lark
Birdsforever.in: Peregrine Falcon