Gary Stephenson: Radjah Shelduck (Tadornah radjah)_2913
Roger Nordahl: Smålom
Larry Gridley: Red-crested Cardinal
Kerry Vickers: Red-capped Robin... Little Desert
Gary Stephenson: Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea)_7915
rens copal: K1218577 Biesbosch Werkendam,Blauwborst,Luscinia svecica,Blaukehlchen,Bluethroat,Rouge bleu commune,
jandewit2: Kleine Plevier.
jandewit2: Tureluur.
Photos_By George: Mountain Bluebird - Rathtrevor
lesleymattuchio: Snow Bunting
jandewit2: Sperwer.
Mawrter: The Gift. Finalist at the Colorado Environmental Flim Festival's photo contest. {Explored! Thank you very much!!}
Mawrter: American Wigeon They went that-a-way!
Cog2012: PC283469
wavethree: Yellow Bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis) 黄苇鳽
Edmond Sham: Sunbird, Fork-tailed
Jean-François Hic: Black-throated Gray Warbler - Setophaga nigrescens
Lisa Roeder: Virginia Rail
Mawrter: Short-eared Owl. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!!
richard.hebert68: Chouette Épervière / Northern Hawk Owl
Mike Barth Photography: Eurasian Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
oz_bird_photography: Woodswallow vs whistling kite
oz_bird_photography: Blue-faced honeyeater
oz_bird_photography: Little friarbird
oz_bird_photography: Grey shrike-thrush
jandewit2: Sperwer.
Alexandre Van der Yeught: Souimanga chalybé-Southern Double-collared Sunbird (Cinnyris chalybeus)
Alexandre Van der Yeught: Fauvette naine-Asian Desert Warbler (Sylvia nana)
Alexandre Van der Yeught: Aigle impérial-Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca)