Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Rougequeue de Moussier - Moussier's Redstart
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Rosalie des Alpes - Rosalia alpina
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Long-tailed duck / Harelde boréale
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Diloba caeruleocephala - Figure of Eight -Double Omega
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Ulochlaena hirta - Noctuelle pluviophile
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Anarta myrtilli - Beautiful Yellow Underwing
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Bold eagle - Pygargue à tête blanche
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Vipère de Séoane - Vipera seoani (Explore)
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Elephant Hawk moth - Grand sphinx de la vigne
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Red-throated Loon - Gavia stellata
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Ennomos du tilleul - Ennomos alniaria
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
The bordered sallow - Chrysographe
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Purple tiger - Ecaille pourprée
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Silver-Studded blue - Azuré de l'ajonc
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Warbling vireo - Viréo mélodieux
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Angle shades - Phlogophora meticulosa
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Burnet companion - Euclidia glyphica
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Spectacled warbler - Curruca conspicillata
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
The Pale prominent - Pterostoma palpina
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Red-necked phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Peridea anceps_The Great prominent
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Polyploca ridens - The frosted green
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Cream-spot tiger moth with full Moon
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Panolis flamea - The Pine beauty
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Accouplement Grand collier argenté
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Humpback Whale - Baleine à bosse
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Niverolle alpine / White-winged snowfinch
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Tufted Puffin - Macareux huppé
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Ascalaphe loriot - Libelluloides ictericus
Alexandre Van der Yeught:
Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker