...Ditz...: Squirl - (Explored 27 12 2020)
...Ditz...: Sunset in Tirol - ( Explored 26 01 2021)
...Ditz...: Stift Stams in Tirol / Kapitelsaal - (Explored 05 04 2021)
...Ditz...: Mirroring - (Explored 02 05 2021)
Derrick_Nguyen: Breakfast of Champions
Derrick_Nguyen: Living Life on the Edge
Derrick_Nguyen: Doin' The Donuts on a Trike!
aleshurik: Когда цвела ирга..
Alleung555: Sunrise in boat dock, Singular Patagonia - DSCH2188
Alleung555: Sunrise in boat dock, Singular Patagonia - DSCH2196
Alleung555: Sunrise Singular Patagonia - DSCH2200
lindsaymac32: Tuesday Rainbow
lindsaymac32: Subdued Long Exposure at Sunrise
lindsaymac32: Moon about to Set over Bear Mtn.
lindsaymac32: Moon Art
belas62: Falco tinnunculus, Βραχοκιρκίνεζο, Common Kestrel
belas62: Alcedo atthis, Αλκυόνη, Common Kingfisher
belas62: Gallinula chloropus, Νερόκοτα, Common Moorhen
belas62: Circus cyaneus, Χειμωνόκιρκος, Hen harrier
a0931342819: DSC_0933_00001~清晨.映像
a0931342819: DSC_2062_00001~八里渡口~清晨
a0931342819: DSC_2517_00001~假日的黄昏
a0931342819: DSC_2536_00001~淡江之夕
Londonfotos: Millennium Bridge, London
Londonfotos: Under the Bridge
Londonfotos: Reflection of St Pauls
_Diego Soto: IMG_4595 Noria Hoya de Don García - Abarán - Murcia - Spain
_Diego Soto: IMG_6756 Pescando Estrellas, Imagen clasificada en segundo lugar en el reto del mes de enero de Fotoclik, el tema era reflejos