Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 73 Million views): Bird Family in Green Reflection
IronRodArt - Royce Bair ("Star Shooter"): Milky Way stars over Signal Mountain summit
Thomas Hawk: Burbank Nights
Jeff Dyck: Sunrise Blast-off
gaz610: Power
Mérantaise (sans ordi panne....): Le Mont Saint-Michel
Mérantaise (sans ordi panne....): La Chapelle des Praz (après Chamonix) sur la route de Vallorcine et la frontière suisse.... Un des plus beaux coins que je connaisse depuis 50 ans !
pilz8: Sea Turtle
pilz8: Sunrise
pilz8: Osprey
Yaci Andrade: Pôr-do-sol
McMexicano : Horses silhouette
RoBeRtO!!!: 另外一
aga18 :): Strasbourg
Gerrit Bart: Greetings from the past
musicmuse_ca: Storm Surge
aga18 :): Smooth
Cartolini: Pico a pico - Cartolini Puerto de Alisas
aga18 :): Into The Gleaming Darkness
zanettco: Dubrovnik
zanettco: Winter rose
!.Keesssss.!: Geese in flight
DeniseJC: Skyline runner