Moddersonne: Porzellanmanufaktur 154
Sean M Richardson: Palazzo Velluto Rosso
JOP-76: Frühling
MGness / The poet makes silk dresses out of worms.
LeiV Photo: High and Dry
Camera_Shy.: Green Skoda tubine
Rolf Boot: IMG_7869_70_71_72_73_74_Enhancer
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Winchester
Le Luxographe: Le Chemin
Cristiano Antognotti: Former chemical plant
Sean M Richardson: Chiesa Senza Volto
× ×: Cours Magistral
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Lanificio B&L
urban requiem: La cuisine à l'huile
Knee Bee: ceramica
Cristiano Antognotti: Il malato immaginario
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
conspectus_bs: black hole scum (new version)
Berny S2: blast furnace
[Sinouhé]: [Hazardous Chemicals]
jgurbisz: Spin the Bottle
petgroot: An old graveyard