Einar Schioth: Autumn in Hemsedal
Helgarosa: Stari í Reyniberjum
Helgarosa: Stari
Toi-Vido: Homecoming
Stefano Rugolo: Blueberries in autumn
Kristin Sig: On eart as it is in heaven
nurdug2010: Haförn-White tailed Eagle-Haliaeetus albicilla
fridgeirsson: Blue House
nanna lind: haustbirta…
marianne kjølner: From a walk at the Nibe marina....time for getting the boats ashore
Ranveig Marie Photography: Autumn Break ♤
piparinn: Neighbors' houses
R.Mattsson: A great meeting in the mountains!
R.Mattsson: After the rain!
GeirB,: Sunset Vadsø (explore)
GeirB,: Blueberries!
GeirB,: Foggy Vadsoe
Viggo Johansen: Indre Syltevik - Finnmark - VJ9_1168
marianne kjølner: Columbine/Akeleje...and I have many different colours blooming right now....summer and sunshine have arrived....not to forget all the weed...
marianne kjølner: 3 day, Columbine/akeleje. still from my garden.
marianne kjølner: The wild flowers bloom at the edge of the ditch, 22 degrees Celsius, summer is here.
fridgeirsson: Thermal Energy
nanna lind: IMG_7880crr
: Lava fountains
Ranveig Marie Photography: ~ Time Goes By ~
Stefano Rugolo: Flowerbed