yennifer8: 15062019-DSC_6597
yennifer8: Equador 2021
Martin Bärtges: The petals spread wide
Martin Bärtges: Wagon wheels and their reflections in the puddle
Carlos. B: Dryas iulia)
roberto parmiggiani: Arctic redpoll - organetto artico
lynn smith: Ascending the stairs
lynn smith: Pair of iron gates guarding pair of timber doors
g.cordel: Chenille de Machaon
marvinben663: the peregrine falcon strikes a dove
marvinben663: Golden Eagle
Moon Cake: 許玲玲@松菸
Moon Cake: 楊佩穎@與光
Moon Cake: 千千@Ronin
Michel Joffres: Turkey Vulture resting on a branch
mstoecklin: Echte Tollkirsche
unixchris: Max Verstappen at Raidillon, F1 Spa Grand Prix 2024
grousehawker: Young male Costas after a shower
marvinben663: Drillsnäppa (Actitis hypoleucos) common sandpiper
mstoecklin: Grossblütige Braunelle
Bay State Paul: Guira Cuckoo
pstenzel71: Linseed Flowering
AdamWoodsPhotography: Neotropic Cormorant with fish
PANDOOZY PHOTOS: Honey bee-Apis mellifera feeds on Purple loosestrife-Lythrum salicaria.
same926: DSC03549s
Martin Bärtges: A simple photo of two plain aluminum coffee cups with a ceramic coating - My entry for todays "Crazy Tuesday" theme "coffee / tea cup"
Martin Bärtges: Beautiful daisies in the grass
Martin Bärtges: Orange hip roses in the sun