spelio: Reaching out during these tough Covid-19 days... Celtis conferta subsp. amblyphylla... knuckles and knobs on trees,
spelio: Japanese Red Pine 2005
spelio: View in the Japanese red pine
ricko: The Cosmic Spirit of Eastern Kansas
spelio: The Gunbarrel Road Construction Party plaque 17 Sept 1958
WoSS-Art: 20201230 Mit 'nem brompton durch'n Dschungel / With a brompton through the jungle
spelio: Tree splits rock
ricko: The Haunted Forest
ricko: The Emergence From the Wooded Glen
debs-eye: May countryside near Arlington
spelio: Paperbark hugging the rocks
debs-eye: No parking! Eaten by the tree.
spelio: old dried stump or log in the Walkabout Gardens. The Gap.
spelio: Fig tree over takes an old gumtree.