spelio: My new SAK Alox 7 model 0.8150.26
jackbianchino: Dumpster Ready
spelio: A sapphire nail file bought in Perth in 1964 and still going..
spelio: A wander around Goulburn again…
jackbianchino: The Peoples Choice
spelio: I love the SHARP teeth of the saw on the #SAK #7Alox #SwissArmyKnife
spelio: A man"s shed in the 'burbs
spelio: Old Hush Puppies died and off to the bin.
jackbianchino: Sad SAAB
jackbianchino: Spent BMW
Csaba HUN: Antique market - Dunaharaszti
Csaba HUN: Antique market - Dunaharaszti
Csaba HUN: Antique market - Dunaharaszti
jackbianchino: Fenced Cargo
jackbianchino: CHESTERFIELD
jackbianchino: Pushed aside
jackbianchino: Aged Shipment
jackbianchino: Weeded Chevy
jackbianchino: Patched Fox Body
RobertDicks2: Today, on the streets of Palo Alto
jackbianchino: Plumber Projects
jackbianchino: Bumper to Bumper
jackbianchino: Tucked away Mopar
jackbianchino: Chevy Down
jackbianchino: Odd Couple
jackbianchino: Transit Meeting
jackbianchino: Garage Sale gone wrong
KlamottenVintage: Trash_Strumpfhose 20230213_01
KlamottenVintage: Trash_Strumpfhose 20230213_02
spelio: The new SAK Victorinox Classic Alox