achatphoenix: SCHWEDEN - Frau Am Meer
Joe Son of the Rock: Tay Whale Sculpture
P'pita: À Marseille
edk7: Bethlem hospital tower, 1814, Imperial War Museum, London SE1..
edk7: Ornamental pedestrian gateway, Heidelberg, Germany.
edk7: Great Stour River, Canterbury, Kent, England..
edk7: Temple of Mars Ultor, Forum Augustum, Rome..
Joe Son of the Rock: Hamish McHamish
edk7: Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, c150 CE, Forum Romanum, Rome..
edk7: Roman military on campaign in Dacia, Trajan's Column, 113 CE, Rome..
Joe Son of the Rock: Bishop Wardlaw Statue
edk7: Winged lion relief frieze, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, c150 CE, Forum Romanum, Rome..
edk7: Winged lion relief sculpture, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, c150 CE, Forum Romanum, Rome..
edk7: Porta Maggiore, Claudius, 52 CE, Esquilino, Rome..
edk7: St Marylebone Parish Church, London NW1.
edk7: The Regent's Park, London NW1.
edk7: The Regent's Park, London NW1.
edk7: St Paul's, Deptford, London SE8..
edk7: Clock tower and spire, St Paul's, Deptford, London SE8.
edk7: Side entryway, St Paul's, Deptford, London SE8..
edk7: Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, London EC2..
edk7: 'Lycurgus Cup', 4thC CE Roman, British Museum, London WC1.
edk7: Bull Ring shopping precinct, Birmingham, England.
edk7: Winter at the farm, Tullamore, Caledon, Ontario..
Morton1905: 10551 MusFerencNádasdySárvár20230620_442
edk7: Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy..
edk7: Paschal liturgical calendar, 6thC, Museo Arcivescovile, Ravenna, Italy..
edk7: Rome War Cemetery, Testaccio, Rome..
edk7: ... writ in Water - Cimitero Acattolico di Roma, Testaccio, Rome..