achatphoenix: some light in the darkness
achatphoenix: a sudden silver ray on the horizon
achatphoenix: Kopenhagen - alte Börse . Um 1640 als Handelszentrum gebaut,mit prächtiger Renaissance-Fassade
achatphoenix: ha, got some flowers, undeserved
achatphoenix: our enhanced living room
achatphoenix: towards the sun
achatphoenix: unpretentious beauty
achatphoenix: cherry blossom and early lilac
achatphoenix: Malus 'Red Sentinel'
achatphoenix: Ems Bridge Construction
achatphoenix: Bridgetender house - Das Brückenwärterhaus auf der Weeneraner Uferseite, das 1926 erbaut wurde und unter Denkmalschutz steht, soll um ein Geschoss aufgestockt und weitergenutzt werden.
achatphoenix: maintenance work in the historic Weener harbour
achatphoenix: HEGEMANN 1 dredger
achatphoenix: HEGEMANN 3 dredger
achatphoenix: I'm taking a bath
achatphoenix: oh I GOT ALL WET
achatphoenix: block of flats
achatphoenix: fiery sky over east frisia
achatphoenix: I shan't say cheese
achatphoenix: beauties by the wayside
achatphoenix: epitome of spring
achatphoenix: savouring the moment of sunshine
achatphoenix: just grumpy about time change
achatphoenix: blackthorn Schlehdorn
achatphoenix: Have a good Easter! wherever you are...
achatphoenix: my cul-de-sac end of march
achatphoenix: Easter FIre - good bye March, welcome ...
achatphoenix: prima facie
achatphoenix: the frequent guest