AM Hernando: Avoceta y Canasteras. Salinas de Santa Pola
Thierry Pargny: Tadorne de Belon (mâle) 0Q4A8402
royk7606: Kingfisher
javisalcedo1989: Andarríos Chico - Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
javisalcedo1989: Andarríos Chico - Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
javisalcedo1989: Andarríos Chico - Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
javisalcedo1989: Andarríos Chico - Common sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
[-Ash-]: Little Egret - Gotcha!!
[-Ash-]: Purple Heron ( Ardea purpurea )
[-Ash-]: Little Bitten ( Ixobrychus minutus )
brianhenham: Portrait of a Starling
DonCoombez: Male great spotted woodpecker
[-Ash-]: Little Bitten in flight
royk7606: Avocet
sadebudy: Szczudłak 1 // Himantopus himantopus
sadebudy: Szczudłak 2 // Himantopus himantopus
sadebudy: Szczudłaki // Himantopus himantopus
javisalcedo1989: Chorlito Gris - Grey Plover - Pluvialis squatarola
javisalcedo1989: Garza Real - Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
javisalcedo1989: IMG_3216-topaz-denoise-sharpen
javisalcedo1989: Cormorán Grande - Great Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo
javisalcedo1989: IMG_3214-topaz-denoise
javisalcedo1989: Cormorán Grande - Great Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo
sadebudy: Pliszka żółta // Motacilla flava
Michael W Potter: Puff-throated Babbler
bsloan: Swallow on the stable downpipe
javisalcedo1989: Archibebe patigualdo chico - Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes
javisalcedo1989: Archibebe patigualdo chico - Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes