bcud14: - 109 -
robjvale: Strawberrying (109/366)
cooliceblue: brightly thoughts
Pahz: Day 108 of Year 14- Poem in your pocket
enovember: Wake Up City!
Studio d'Xavier: The Ineffectual Dada Poet
amy's antics: Knit and Natter
Mount Fuji Man: One Perfect Rose
Mount Fuji Man: Requiescat by Dorothy Parker
♔ Georgie R: Bayonet 109/366 (10/3396)
Ticklemeorange: Old Tree by the Creek ~ by me
rechnerklemmt: 04 April 2024
rechnerklemmt: 20120903-068 Campo Imperatore
Shell.PoetPix: Birthday Angel! Happy Easter Sunday my Dear Friends & Followers! It's my Birthday today!
Shell.PoetPix: Capturing The Sun
Shell.PoetPix: Haiku 3 God's House
Twang Your Head: Richard-Gabriel Rummonds Poetry Prize from Ex Ophidia Press
JamesWatkins: Grand Canyon Southern Overlook
Shakespearesmonkey: When Truth takes flight. (For International Poetry Day)
Shakespearesmonkey: Bayeux tapestry
rechnerklemmt: 03 März 2024
Shell.PoetPix: Thank you to my Friends & Followers: An Affirmation for Every Day
Ticklemeorange: Total Solar Eclipse Art and Rhyme
Shell.PoetPix: Fleur-de-lis. A reading of my poem, by Shelley Turner
Shakespearesmonkey: Communication
Shell.PoetPix: Cloak Of Shadow
Shell.PoetPix: Fleur-de-lis
Shell.PoetPix: The Skeleton, by G. K. Chesterton, A Poetry Reading by Shelley Turner
paulbcalvert: My Bed - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Cream Cakes - A Poem