readerwalker: With the End in Mind, by Kathryn Mannix
readerwalker: Vistas of infinity, by Jurgen Ziewe
atone13: Afternoon sun reveals the latent colours lurking in the shadows.
readerwalker: American schism, by Seth David Radwell
readerwalker: Gritty details about meth and fentanyl addiction
readerwalker: D. M. Black’s new translation (2021) of Dante’s Purgatorio
readerwalker: Qwirkle game final position
wwnorm: think think think
readerwalker: Neanderthal life, love, death and art
readerwalker: Differences in American, Chinese, and Japanese thinking
readerwalker: Having and being had (2020)
atone13: Gunnera Manicata (Giant Chilean Rhubarb)
readerwalker: Work: a deep history from the stone age to the age of robots (2021)
Elisa Bianca: Cogito ergo sum
readerwalker: A beginner’s guide to America
readerwalker: Venice and the transformation of western civilization
readerwalker: Downward trends
readerwalker: The Ghost Dance religion
readerwalker: Political polarization and identity politics
readerwalker: The dispossession of Native Americans
readerwalker: Extraordinary Knowing
Elisa Bianca: Paisible.
readerwalker: Evolution meets consciousness
readerwalker: Natural ESP
readerwalker: In Praise of Nothing (2011)
momirage: Esc.
readerwalker: NDE cases, research, and lessons
readerwalker: The knowledge machine (c2020), by Michael Strevens
readerwalker: The U.S. medical system’s priority is profit, not health
readerwalker: The road to unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America