36 frames or less: deep dives
36 frames or less: rogh beauty
36 frames or less: tender elevations
Kayla-Lee: Lu_Wimpole_Gardens_1
leo.roos: It's a deal!
Kaelyn Elara: I passed my hardest moments alone, while everyone believed I was fine
Kaelyn Elara: Be with people who grow flowers in the darkest parts of you ♥
Kaelyn Elara: I dwell in possibility
leo.roos: Carnival girls
leo.roos: Carnival girls
Kayla-Lee: Modelling-2
unDuc'td: Weight of the world
Herr Benini: .today I'm low on words but I ain't short on feelings
Kaelyn Elara: Lingering in a dream
shaoqiang.t: Chinese men gathering
unDuc'td: me and Jim
unDuc'td: Ugly Pretty
unDuc'td: Silent Scream
Herr Benini: .senza volere raccogliamo le risonanze del nostro tempo dentro di noi
marsha*morningstar: ROMAN SOLDIER
Herr Benini: .this old world is almost getting cooked