sea__man: Desy in his refuge
philfender72: Hello I’m Millie….
kirstiecat: Happy Birthday, PJ Harvey!
sea__man: Desy relaxing
Nina Victor: Estela Starlight
Nina Victor: Estelinha lindinha
philfender72: Beautiful Millie…
xaviergomezbusquets: Bella esplendorosa, beautiful and esplendorous, Nieva.
xaviergomezbusquets: Sopresa. surprised, Nieva.
xaviergomezbusquets: Quina cara tant bonica, such a beautiful face, Nieva.
Photos by L-1172: Flash looking up.
Photos by L-1172: Beautiful Flash.
philfender72: The look of a lion…..
spacerb17: Snuggles
spacerb17: Sweet Focus
A.Davey: 11:15 P.M.
xaviergomezbusquets: Poder felí, feline power, Nieva.
xaviergomezbusquets: Tota una bellesa felina, totally feline beauty, Nieva.
xaviergomezbusquets: Nieva ja és senior, Nieva is already senior kitty
spacerb17: Nova
philfender72: Beautiful Millie…..
kirstiecat: Cat in Prague
jchn70: Instinto de supervivencia
Nina Victor: Estelinha no colinho
philfender72: Wide awake………
philfender72: Up close and personal…
spacerb17: Barbaque
sdttds: IMG_6999_Licorice, guarding my bike
philfender72: The cat sat on the mat…..