roba66: Österreich, Kals , morgendliche Idylle - 490
skassam: Violet-headed Hummingbird
djking: NWT Northern Lights
JLS@Photos: Last suns rays on the meadows, Derniers rayons de soleil sur les prés
pbmultimedia: Ancient Building in Broc
Pedro Abadía: Walking In My Shoes (Depeche Mode)
marsupilami92: LE JARDIN BOTANIQUE
Giloustrat: GOOOOAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
david schweitzer: Cyclone Season at Aitutki Lagoon
gzabramny: A little path.jpg
Bert#: Green & Blue
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Blätterdach I - unter einem grünen Baldachin... / under a green Canopy...
R.S. aus W. (Croti + Family): Herbst im Ruhrtal.
R_Ivanova: The Lake
Giloustrat: Please... keep off the grass.
Beppe Rijs: Don't bite the apple, they say ...
MSA - photography: blue Lagoon
Carl T Pickering: "Moss and the Mist" [Explored]
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 4 16M views): Stanford Arizona Garden
Pixelkids: Grasköpfl
Claudio Gori: Le Crete d'inverno
R_Ivanova: Summer Landscape
Fizzy Irish: Green and black
Rckr88: Serenity
ynatentive: fleur des champs
Giloustrat: Poils aux pattes - Leg hair