tezzerh: Dandelion. Bury, UK
tezzerh: Bluebells in the churchyard
gerrypopplestone: Gorgeous fruit
gerrypopplestone: Crossing the road
antarve: turistas en la iglesia
gerrypopplestone: Breadwinners
antarve: 19-08-23 la palmera
antarve: 16-10-21 bosque
gerrypopplestone: On the edge of the park
gerrypopplestone: Plenty of vegetables
gerrypopplestone: Peckham Lanes
gerrypopplestone: Sitting in the Green
Jens M. Magnussen: A "flying" squirrel
tezzerh: Don't mess with me! Bury, UK
gerrypopplestone: Leaving Denmark Hill Station
gerrypopplestone: Bus passengers
antarve: 26-11-23 hojas amontonadas ByN
antarve: 04-03-24 barandilla
gerrypopplestone: Chatting over flags
gerrypopplestone: Stop arming Israel
antarve: 10-08-23 urbana ByN
awrad1: Impressive
tezzerh: The tuba man. Bury, UK
tezzerh: Little and large. Bury, UK
gerrypopplestone: Socialist Worker
Jens M. Magnussen: Rådyr - European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
gerrypopplestone: Palestine supporters
gerrypopplestone: Tons of placards!
gerrypopplestone: Waiting to march