tezzerh: Five buds in winter
tezzerh: The shops are closed
tezzerh: Time to retreat... unless you are a matador
tezzerh: A very colourful couple
tezzerh: Speedy walker at the bus stop
tezzerh: Walking the little dog
tezzerh: Whoosh... Bus in a rush
tezzerh: Mandarin duck spreads his wings
tezzerh: Victoria Lane and a bottle
tezzerh: Reflections
tezzerh: The high life
tezzerh: At the barber's
tezzerh: A car in a bar
tezzerh: A leaf catches the winter sun
tezzerh: The tie that binds
tezzerh: Dressed for the winter cold
tezzerh: The high-vis man
tezzerh: On reflection
tezzerh: Nestling down
tezzerh: The two-phones-at-a-time man
tezzerh: "Well, I wouldn't have one of those things in my house."
tezzerh: Splash landing
tezzerh: Mandarin duck and a mallard
tezzerh: The hiker
tezzerh: Gone past in a flash
tezzerh: Wow!
tezzerh: Engrossed
tezzerh: Mac Litter
tezzerh: Two young ladies sitting outside Number Eleven
tezzerh: On the bench outside the fish and chip shop