♔ Georgie R: A quiet corner
♔ Georgie R: Elise reading
designwallah: Reading At Revel
designwallah: Reading at the Toronto Photobook Library.
Mount Fuji Man: Circular bench at the airport
Gelsauc: Porto Torres. Sardenya. 2017
Gelsauc: August Sander. Gent del segle XX
Gelsauc: Antoni Monells Mateu
Gelsauc: August Sander. Gent del segle XX
designwallah: Reading a newspaper in the park
♔ Georgie R: Reading
Gelsauc: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta. Spoleto.
Gelsauc: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Saló de les cròniques (1929)
jor baeke: rome
Gelsauc: Starting point.
jor baeke: cuba
kirstiecat: The Double
♔ Georgie R: The attendant 84:365 (3:814)
weerwolfje: Reading
NellyMoser: in the book store
Henk Binnendijk: Japan: Kyoto, waiting for a train
NellyMoser: Evie in Middletown
Henk Binnendijk: Japan: Kyoto, reading the paper
miriamviganofficial: Relax into the green.
Mount Fuji Man: FWFR Book Launch in London (2k)
Mount Fuji Man: FWFR Book Launch in London, 4 Sept 2010 - 11
Mount Fuji Man: You can't just read anywhere you please, you know
Mount Fuji Man: Suspicious activity at Wolverhampton station
♔ Georgie R: Consulting the manual 203-365 (12-4222)
weerwolfje: People reading