moniquemaynard685: Moqueur roux Brown Thrasher
ctberney: Male Red-winged Blackbird is a ladies' man
monteregina: Papaver nudicaule (Papaveraceae) Pavot nudicaule (Papaveracées)- Pavot d'Islande
ctberney: Female Red-winged Blackbird posing in a most obliging manner
Note-ables by Lynn: Song Sparrow
dove-51: Toy Train
HollowPoppet: Pickles & Olives
dove-51: Yellow on Black Background
marianna armata: triple-exposure Spring maple trees
*Darlene*: This wandering fellow made it to within mere inches of reaching his floating freedom before he ran out of wind. Now he's just left with the scent of the closeness of it.
monteregina: Dandelion - Pissenlit
Katrina Wright: Sharing Watch
ctberney: My neighbors got a new pet
Mimsy Portmanteau: Bicycle impressions 1
Tracey Rennie: Poolside Caracara
Susan Kitchell: Tranquility
Linda Goodhue: Green Heron
photofiend358: Art and artist
Linda Goodhue: Yellow Warbler
Linda Goodhue: Orchard Oriole (Female)
Shelly MacNeil - Conway: The open window
moniquemaynard685: Hirondelle bicolore/Tree swallow
Lindaw9: Bleeding Hearts...
*Darlene*: The path that once brought her family home is now simply an overgrown freeway for tumbleweeds and the occasional backroads explorer, but she still welcomes, with gratitude, all who come to visit her hollow emptiness.
Iskouhee: My wonderful neighbours
monteregina: Yellow Bearded Iris - Iris barbu jaune
ctberney: In the forest - Explored