Giacomo_Galli: #19 s.t.
Giacomo_Galli: #19 / s.t.
Monserrat Orallo: Glasgow, Scotland
wikornr: #19
wikornr: #19
gri2011: S&R - 108 - #19
gri2011: S&R - 108 - #19
Monty May (OBSERVE): 19/2 - The Lion King
Leripix: #19
watcher330: #19b crazy with the yellow brush
Richard Stern: #19 (2) "The Shape of Things.."
bruce wayne1: untitled
Orioto: #19 - DSC00643
bek_the_sur: S&R 108 #19-2
michele liberti: crossings #19
Monty May (OBSERVE): #19/1 - Prism
Francesco Luppolo: 101_2683-#19
sobrenivel: S&R - 108 - #19 (2)