ricardo00: Anna's putting the finishing touches on its nest
Chuck Gerber: Last train out of town...
MarjieM777: Anna's checking out the new aloe plant
MarjieM777: Look who paid me a visit this morning
Greatoutdoorman: Bit of a buzz about it.
MarjieM777: female hummingbird, probably a Costas
sbuckinghamnj: Blue-chested Hummingbird
sbuckinghamnj: Tawny-bellied Hermit
MarjieM777: No hummingbirds were harmed durning this epic battle (that I know of)
Carolien114: Draadvleugelkolibrie - Mountain Velvetbreast
jwsteffelaar: naamloos-2798 Ruby Topaz (m), Chrysolampis mosquitus.
Carolien114: Paarskroonbosnimf - Crowned Woodnymph
MarjieM777: Mr. Beebs in the front yard
MarjieM777: Love that purple!
Carolien114: Koperglanskolibrie - Shining Sunbeam
Carolien114: Bronsstaartsaffierkolibrie - Golden-tailed Sapphire
Dave Trono: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
MarjieM777: Enjoying some patio time while waiting for the Superb Owl
Ania Tuzel Photography: With Open Arms
MarjieM777: Mr. Fred swinging in to say hi
Carolien114: Witnekkolibrie - White-necked Jacobin
Carolien114: Gekraagde inkakolibrie - Collared Inca
MarjieM777: Mr. Beebs in the front yard
Hugo Portaro: Colibí verde alimentando su pichón
Carolien114: Paarskeelboself - Purple-throated Woodstar
sbuckinghamnj: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
pmsswim: winter thoughts of spring
mojtahed.naser: Sword-Bill hummingbird
Carolien114: Wittipkolibrie - Purple-bibbed Whitetip