wbaiv: Stbd aft deck, #5 #4 hold covers Red Oak Victory DSC_0277
wbaiv: Restored propeller Red Oak Victory DSC_0281 (1).jpg
wbaiv: Aft emergency conning station Red Oak Victory DSC_0301 (1)
wbaiv: Prop Nut Wrench Welding O2 tank Red Oak Victory DSC_0286 (1)
wbaiv: Kaiser shipyard Red Oak Victory DSC_0420 (1).jpg
wbaiv: Oblilque Profile Victory Ship Red Oak Victory DSC_0348
wbaiv: Kaiser Shipyard secure warehouse Red Oak Victory DSC_0447
wbaiv: Kaiser Enterprises scorecard, posted near dance floor in hold #4 of Red Oak Victory DSC_0428
wbaiv: u50 The Golden Gate Bridge from outside - in the Pacific Ocean! IMG_4169
wbaiv: Teaser for my USS Red Oak Victory ship visit set IMG_2093 (1)
wbaiv: Whimbrel in flight, Public shoreline SFO L1070110
wbaiv: Golden Gate, and Bridge, between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. IMG_2350
wbaiv: Rock off shore North of USS San Francisco Memorial DSC_0216
efo: Bivalves
wbaiv: Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco, Marin; Grizzly Peak Road, north of Fish Ranch Road & Clairemont IMG_1708
wbaiv: San Francisco Bay, Bay Bridge to Golden Gate IMG_4021
wbaiv: Panorama of salt flats in East Bay IMG_1335 (1)
wbaiv: SFO runways 28, Bay Area DSC_0064
wbaiv: Ringed Gull, San Francisco Bay, near SFO Airport. DSC_0775
wbaiv: Brown Pelican SF Bay, near SFO Airport. DSC_0008
wbaiv: Brown Pelican SF Bay DSC_0010
wbaiv: Ringed Gull SF Bay DSC_0436
wbaiv: Ringed Sea Gull, San Francisco Bay DSC_0460
wbaiv: Ringed Sea Gull, San Francisco Bay DSC_0453
wbaiv: Ringed sea gull, port fwd DSC_0705
wbaiv: Ringed sea gull, starboard aft, Burlingame, west of SFO DSC_0615
wbaiv: Ringed sea gull preparing to land, port profile DSC_0421 (1)
wbaiv: Ringed sea gull, port forward quarter, eyes in shade DSC_0713 (2)
wbaiv: American Avocet? public access shoreline San Mateo West of SFO runway 28 DSC_0820
wbaiv: Willets, large shore birds, black and white wing stripes, gray legs, bills. Wading birds, landing DSC_0979