petgroot: Oceanview - Leica iiic
knipserkrause: there is no place like home
tomasz_czajkowski: where the North Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Секешфехервар - Székesfehérvár
caspar40: Byzantine church, Istanbul
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Памятник капитану замка Дьёрдю Варкочу [1938] Varkocs György várkapitány szobra - The statue of György Varkocs constable of the castle
((((((())))))): The Chicago Theater
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Лютеранская церковь в Секешфехерваре - Székesfehérvári Evangélikus Egyházközösség temploma - Evangelical church, Székesfehérvár
knipserkrause: what we do in the shadows
caspar40: In the bazaars of Bursa, Türkiye
micmol : Downtown Miami, Florida in early morning light and mist
((((((())))))): Chicago!
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Эстергом, приходская церковь Визиварош [1738] Esztergomi, vízivárosi római katolikus plébániatemplom
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Эстергом - Esztergom
micmol : perfect blue sky day
living in Brighton: Never-ending adventure!!!
knipserkrause: final destination
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Pink Beetle
((((((())))))): A Henry Spencer Moore sculpture at The Art Institute.
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Вышеград. Цитадель - Visegrádi Fellegvár
fotor0manrctcfilm_3: Вышеград - Visegrád
micmol : Schadel's Bakery
caspar40: Turkish tea in Dutch old town. Dordrecht, The Netherlands
micmol : Which one is the right one? Fishing in Norway.