Rayladur: Pluvier Kildir juvénile - Kildeer
thahawk: mayapple blossom
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
laurie.mccarty: 850_7121 Chipmunk
marcbenezech: chevalier aboyeur .
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Rusting Away
jlst2i: Bee and crocus
Diggerthedog99: June 2024 in the Canadian Rockies
Bernard Fabbro: héron cendré / grey heron 24I_5112
Neotropical Pete: BUFF=THROATED SALTATOR Saltator maximus along the Mashpi Road in NORTHWESTERN ECUADOR. Photo by PETER W. WENDELKEN.
AllHarts: Belted Kingfisher
Jim Cowie: Sugar Works Tabby Ruin (see link below)
Ashley1954: Busy...
Susan Roehl: Another Galapagos Tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra)
ksblack99: Does Anybody Have a Towel?
jmahiquesmeseguer: Pato colorado hembra con Focha
Jmawnster: Rüppell's Starling
António Guerra: Cotovia-arbórea / Alondra totovía / Wood Lark
giuseppedr: Starling feeding the chick
odileva: Tarier pàtre/Saxicola torquata/Eurasian Stonechat
keithhull: Rosa Gertrude Jekyll 2024
billoddie3: Little Grebe and chick . Tachybaptus Ruficollis
AgneVa: Amongst foliage and flowers
jsnchezyage: Curruca cabecinegra macho (Sylvia melanocephala)
Colin Pacitti: bee-eater and angry sky
Laval Roy: 1.19841 Hirondelle de rivage / Riparia riparia riparia / Bank Swallow
Paul McGoveran: Eastern Screech Owl 5300
degan64: Rainbow Surprise
Bob Gunderson: White-faced Ibis
johco266: Ready for lift off