Robfelix1950: DSC03201
leo.roos: Faceade
leo.roos: St. Aloysiusschool
Robfelix1950: DSC01633
Robfelix1950: DSC03189
leo.roos: (sigh) Photographers aren't buyers
leo.roos: Peter Verlaan, chainsaw artist
leo.roos: Time
Robfelix1950: DSC01624
Robfelix1950: DSC01629
Robfelix1950: DSC01632
Robfelix1950: DSC01618
leo.roos: A summer's day at the office
Robfelix1950: _DSC2849
Robfelix1950: DSC03178
Robfelix1950: DSC03180
Robfelix1950: DSC03182
Robfelix1950: DSC03184
Robfelix1950: DSC03186
rrog035: Groningen
Robfelix1950: DSC01616
Robfelix1950: DSC01617
Robfelix1950: DSC03176
__stuart__: Luxemburg City
hjhoeber2: Texel
hjhoeber2: Landing stage in the evening
Robfelix1950: DSC03174
__stuart__: Lake and Mansion