Marc Laroche/Niepceetdaguerre: Les ongles rouges ou la mode plébiscitée
paulbcalvert: Mission Impossible What is a Woman - A Poem
JamesWatkins: California Coastal Looking South
kirstiecat: Little Wonders
paulbcalvert: The Fog - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Spider in his web - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Bags under the eyes - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Chicken or the Egg - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Bible - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Shaving - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Bullying - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Living in My Fridge - A Poem
paulbcalvert: You light my life - A Poem
paulbcalvert: I thought I was Pregnant - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Great fire of London - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The flower - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Porn - A Poem
Mount Fuji Man: Requiescat by Dorothy Parker
Mount Fuji Man: One Perfect Rose
paulbcalvert: Water Wine 2
kirstiecat: Hidden Houses
paulbcalvert: The Visitor - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The 80's - A Poem.
kirstiecat: Canadian Monster
paulbcalvert: Laundry - A Poem
kirstiecat: The Tree Shadow That Turned Into a Spider
paulbcalvert: Don't do it - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Donald Trump was right about everything
jo_dbm: I Do Not Know an Unbroken Heart
jo_dbm: Dream Bubbles